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Thyssenkrupp Components Technology De Mex Co S A

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Recent Panjiva Research about Thyssenkrupp Components Technology De Mex Co S A


Posco, Thyssenkrupp may be preparing for an elusive tariff cut

U.S. section 232 import duties, applied for national security reasons, have “helped save American jobs in steel and aluminum industries” according to U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. There will continue to be “a place for tariffs” going forward, even though that likely will continue to c... Read more →


Thyssenkrupp fails in steel case, hasn’t lagged peers

The U.S. Court of International Trade has ruled against Thyssenkrupp’s appeal regarding the process for granting exemptions from section 232 duties on imports of steel and aluminum. That’s just one of many legal challenges that the Trump administration’s tariffs have faced. The duties are like... Read more →