
Rose Containerline Inc

Shipping Company Profile | SCAC: RSEC

Shipments Processed

  • 9,338
    Shipments Processed (U.S. Imports)

Shipments by Month

Aug 2007May 2009Jan 2011Sep 2012May 2014Jan 2016Sep 2017May 2019Jan 2021Sep 2022May 2024050100150

TEUs by Month

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3,085 Suppliers shipping with RSEC


1,538 Vessels used by RSEC

Foreign Ports

122 Foreign Ports used by RSEC

Top RSEC Foreign Ports

  1. Singapore
  2. Rotterdam
  3. Mundra

U.S. Ports

29 U.S. Ports used by RSEC

Top RSEC U.S. Ports

  1. New York
  2. New York Newark Area
  3. The Port of Los Angeles


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