
Sine Trading International Llc

Shipping Company Profile | SCAC: SIDY

Shipments Processed

  • 6,470
    Shipments Processed (U.S. Imports)

Shipments by Month

Jan 2009Oct 2012Apr 2013Dec 2013Apr 2021Jun 2021Aug 2021Aug 2022Oct 202205001K1.5K

TEUs by Month

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680 Suppliers shipping with SIDY

Top SIDY Suppliers

  1. Limaomao
  2. Ruizhi Li
  3. Sienren


4,870 Buyers shipping with SIDY

Top SIDY Buyers

  1. Evraz
  2. Qi Hang
  3. Gle Cargo


25 Vessels used by SIDY

Foreign Ports

6 Foreign Ports used by SIDY

Top SIDY Foreign Ports

  1. Yantian
  2. Shanghai
  3. Ningbo

U.S. Ports

5 U.S. Ports used by SIDY

Top SIDY U.S. Ports

  1. The Port of Los Angeles
  2. Port of Long Beach
  3. Port of Portland


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