3 A Composites Materials
Aarohi Exp.
Aci Cargo Logistica S.A
Adam Dean Cogger
Ags Equatorial Guinea Movers
Ags Frasers Ghana
Ags Group
Ags Group
Ags Guinea Ecuatorial
Ags Guinea Ecuatorial
Agunsa Guatemala
Akon Logistics
Akonlogistics Management Ltd.
Akonlogistics Management Ltd.
Akon Logisticsmanagement Ltd.
Akon Logistics Management Ltd.
Alba Plant Llc
Alca Trading Corp
Alpha Offshore Drilling Services
Alpha Offshore Drilling Services Rig Atwood Seahawk
Aluminio Fulgor Ltda
Amerada Hess Equatorial Guinea
Amerada Hess Equatorial Guinea
American Embassy Malabo
Amex Group S.A.S
Am Logistics
Anesta Sam
Anu Cashew
Anz International Manufacting
Anz International Mfg.
Arg Ltda
Armeks Tarim R Nler T Caret L M Ted Rket
Artequeso Quesos Manchegos S.L.
Asociacion De Productores De Olopa
Atlantic Forwarding SpA In S.L.
Atlantic Menthaol Procduction Co Ll
Atlantic Methanol Production Co.
Atlas Van Lines International Corp
Axtra Resources Pte., Ltd.
Baker Hughes (E.Guinea)
Baker Hughes Inteq
Baker Hughes Inteq France SA
Baker Hughes Inteq France SA
Baker Hughes Inteq France SA (Equatorial Guinea)
Baker Hughes Inteq France Sas Equatorial Guinea Branch Baker Oil Tools
Baker Hughes Operations Sas
Baker Hughes Operations Sas
Baker Hughes Operations Sas
Baker Hughes Operations Sas C/O Luba Freeport Ltd.
Baker Hughes Operations Sas C/O Luba Freeport Ltd.
Baterias Willard S.A.
Bearing Mfg. Co.
Beneficio El Bajareque S.A.
Besora Maritima S.L.
Bestway Cash & Carry Ltd. Andra Road Meridian Wa
Bg Global Energy Ltd.
Bg Group
Bioco Island Alba Plant Llc
Bj Services Co. Africa Ltd. Ge
Bj Services Ecuatorial Guinea SARL C/O Hess Equatorial Guinea Inc.
Bj Services Equatorial Guinea
Boating International
Boccale S A
Bp Singapore Pte
Brasao SA
Brasdril Sociedade De Perfuracoes
Bristow Helicopters Ltd.
Cabinda Gulf Oil Co.
Callens African Woods
Cameron Equatorial Guinea
Cana De Castilla S.A.
Capulet Trading Ltd.
Casa Ruiz S.A
Cassie Car Imp.
Cdf Trading N V
Cemex Dominicana S A
Centro Medico La Paz
Ceriart Ceramica Artistica SA
Cgate Logistics
Cgg Service
Champion Technologies
Champion Technologies Equatorial
Champion X Eg SARL
Chang Xia International G.E Ltd.
Chc Global Operations
Chc Global Operations Ulc Eg Branch
Chc Helicopters (Africa) (Pty) ) Ltd.
Cia Hering
Ci Comintro Ltda
Cie D Ops Petrol Schlumberger SA
Cie D Ops Petrol Schlumberger SA
Ci Siderurgia Colombiana SA
Coca Cola Midi S A S
Columbia Concrete
Comercial Santy
Compagni Des Freres Cherifiens
Compagnie Des Bauxites De Guinee
Compaigne Des Bauxites De
Compania Agroindustrial Agrocueros
Confremar Congelados Y Frescos Del Mar S A
Construtora Oas Ge S.A.
Consulado De China
Consulado General De China
Corporacion De Proyectos Multiples Multi Proyectos S A
Corrugados Del Guarco S.A.
Crane Worldwide Logistics In C/O
Daf Bqcc
Darrell Spice
D B Trinos Trading Llc
Delmonte International GmbH
Deltamar S.A.
D.F.J. Vinhos S.A
Diamond Offshore
Diamond Rig Investments Ltd.
Diana Food Sas
Discoverseis Overseas Inc.
Dist Plex S.A C.I
Double Shun Wood Ltd.
Dvs Frutas SA
Eagle Shipping
Ecopetrol SA
Ecuato Guinea Trading Co.
Edison Chouest Offshore
Efacec Energia Maquinas E Equip.
Efun (Hongkong) International Trade Co., Ltd.
Eg Lng Train 1 Project S.A.
Eg Lng Train 1 SA
Eg Mac Dan Sl
Eg Nlg Train 1 SA
Eh Mamadou Diallo Ste Celeste Hol
Elora Werkzeugfabrik GmbH
Emas Amc
Empresa Nacional De Petroleos
Empressa Nacional De Petroleos De G
Empressa Nacionel De Petroles De Gu
Equatorial Guinea Lng Train 1 S.A.
Equatorial Guine Presidential Gleet
Equion Energia Ltd.
Eternal Timepieces
Eternit Atlantico S A
Ets Dma
Ets Sab International
Evita Guinea Ecuatorial S.L
Expeditors International Espa A S
Exporbananas S A
Extap A Div Of Exxonmobil Asia Pacific
Exxon Mobil
Exxonmobil Exploration & Production
Fanta Kone
Fastair Services
Ferrasa SA
Flowerbase BV
Flowtite Andercol
Fmc Subsea Service Inc.
Fortidex S A
Fpf Corp.
Freshexport S A
Freskbana S A
Front Runner
Fruit Life S A
F. W. Barth & Co. GmbH
G3 Oleo & Gas SA
Gac Shipping SA
Garibaldi International Limitada
Gem Services SARL
Genan For Industrles Imp.
General Works
Generations General Trading Co L L C
Gepsing Ltd.
Gg Antique Wholesailers
Glencore Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Global Business International Gesl
Global Cosmetics Group Australia
Glue U
Gmm Trading S.A. Por Cuenta Y
Goodline Trim
Grafica Mosca
Great Sequoia Corp.
Green Fields Llc
Gritti Group SpA
Group Ams Corporation Ltd., Hong Kong
Guinea Ecuatorial De Pertroleos
Guinea Ecuatorial (Gepetrol)
Gurit Wind Systems A S
Hall & Co SA
Halliburton International Inc.
Halliburton International Inc.
Halliburton International Inc.
Hanson Forestry Ltd.
Henan Junyu Imp. & Exp. . Trading Co., Ltd.
Hess Corporate
Hess Equatorial Guinea Inc.
Highland Products Corp. S. A.
Hongkong Dargon Trading Ltd.
Hongkong Decent International Trading Ltd.
Hong Kong Great Luck Trade Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Ping On Jewelry International Holdings Ltd.
Hongkong Pohui Trading Co., Ltd.
Hongkong Senheda Trade Ltd.
Hong Kong Senheda Trade Ltd.
Hong Kong Tairui Resources Ltd.
Hong Kong Yueyou International Trade Ltd.
Honton International Ltd.
Hualin Timber International Ltd.
Iber Oleff S.A.
Impresora Del Yaque SA
Independant Liquor
Indice Autonocion Sl
Industias Partmo S.A.
Ingenio El Angel De Cv
Intermarine Services International Inc.
Intertranstrade International FZE
Intertranstrade International Fzi
Intl Cargo Solutions
Ipx Eg
Isotanques S.A.S
Jdm Garage
Jessie Harpole USA Embassy
Jiangxi Guo Lan Technology Development Co; Ltd.
Joud General Trading Ltd.
Kelexbenfidel Ltd.
Kentex S.A.
Krjg Enterprises
Kuehne Nagel
Leifwood Aps
Lexmaric Ge Sl
Li Lai Development Ltd.
L.J Granitos Ltda Epp
Loginet Inc.
Maja Crafts
Marathon E.G. Prod Ltd. B.P.742
Marathon Eg Production Ltd.
Marathon E.G. Production Ltd.
Marathon International Petroleum Supply Co. Gb Ltd.
Marathon Int. Petroleum Supply
Marathon Oil Co.
Marburg Custom Crush
Martinez Hermanos Ltd.
Maruti Overseas Ltd.
Master Of Ambassador Norris 74
Master Of Jipro Isisi
M'balou Sano Kourouma
Mega Business Ltd.
Megi Marine
Megi Marine Mobile
Megi Marine Mobil Equatorial Guinea
Mendoexport S A
M I Equatorial Guinea S.L.
Ministry Of Mines Industries
Mitsubishi Corporation Do Brasil S.A.
Mobil Equatorial Guinea
Mobil Equatorial Guinea Inc.
Moduart SA
Msj Multiservicios
Multiservicios Nnam Wakeosu S.L.
Muni SA
Nalco Angola
Nalco Champion Eg S.A.R.L.
Nalco Luba Freeport
Nexans Colombia SA
Ngk Berylco
Ningbo Free Trade Zone Sun Flower
Noble Carl Norberg Llc
Noble Energy Completions
Noble Energy Drilling
Noble Energy Eg
Noble Energy Eg Ltd.
Noble Energy Eg Ltd. Autovia Malabo
Nyk Line Transmares S.A.
Oceaneering International AG
Operadora Y Procesadora De Productos Marinos Omarsa S A
Ophir Equatorial Guinea (Block R)
Origo Education
Orthomed Del Sol S.A
Pacific Controls
Pacific Exp. S A
Pacific Timber Ltd.
Pakistan Freight Farwarders
Port Services
Pride Global Iii Ltd.
Prodex Comme
Productora De Gelatina SA
P T Aquafarm Nusantara
Qingdao Orien Commercial Equipment
Quality Metals FZE
Quality Sourcing Services Inc.
Quinta De La Roda
Quinta Do Infantado
Rain Bird
Reliance Mfg. Co.
Richdale International Co., Ltd.
Rig Pride South Pacific
Rig Ride South Pacific Pride Global Iii Ltd.
Rio Muni Timberland
River Grand International Industrial Co., Ltd.
Roma Prince SA
Rongxin Wood Co., Ltd.
Rota Shipping Inc.
Royaward Global Investment Ltd.
Rueda Maquinaria Sl
Saga France
Sagewerk Brachwitz GmbH Co Kg
S&A Honey Ltda Epp
Samedan Ofnorth Africac Onoble Ener
Sanctum Screens
Santa Lavinia Comercio
Schenker Nantes
Schill + Seilacher GmbH
Schlumberger Seaco Inc.
Schlumberger Seaco Inc.
Schlumberger Seaco Inc.
Sdl Atlas
Sdv Guinea
Seaflyer Precision Industries (Shenz)
Sedco Forexinternational Inc.
Sedco Forex International Inc.
Shanghai Luhao Auto Products
Shell Gabon
Shell International Eastern Trading Co.
Shell Petroleum Group
Shimmer International Ge Ltd.
Sicme S.A.
Sijifo Industrial
Sijifo Industries
Singapore Fullbang Trading Pte., Ltd.
Sl Ex Comercio
Smith International Africa
Smtc Global (Pty) Tld
Socar Tradding SA
Sociedad Guineana De Tecnologia S.A.
Soegel S.L.
Soege S L
Soege S L
Soege S.L
Soege S L Bata Equatorial Guinea
Soege S L Bata Equatorial Guinea
Sofitel Sipopole Golf
Soguifret SA P C Ambassade
Soguifret SARL P C Corps De La Paix
Songa Saturn Chatering Pte., Ltd.
Sps Equatorial Guinea
St.George Foods
Stratos Offshore Services
Subsea 7
Sunshine Nut Limitada
Super Brix S A
Sur Agricola De Honduras
Swift Drill Offshore
Swiftdrill Offshore Drilling
Talleres Protegidos Gureak S.A.
Tanberg International Co., Ltd.
Tan Inong Mfg Corp.
Tarui Resources Ltd.
Tchibo GmbH
Team Coorperheat Mqs Trinidad Ltd.
Technip Eg
Technology And Management Ltd.
Tech Wood International Ltd.
Tiba Portugal
Toptec SA
Tosswa Corp.
Tosswa E.G.
Toss Wa E.G.
Transworld Co For Tricot And Ready
Tropical Exp. Enterprises Llc
Truetzschler Group Se
Trw Automotive
Tuchok SA
Tun Handicrafts
Union Of Ecuadorian Bananas SA
Unique Fragrances
Universalafrica Lines
Universal Africa Lines
Universal Africa Lines
Uppercut Deluxe
US Embassy
US Embassy In Equatorial Guinea
Uti Logisitics Mex S.A. De C.V.
Vang Deux Co., Ltd.
Vanjoin Group
Vantage Drilling Eg
Vitol Asia Pte., Ltd.
Weatherford Services Ltd.
Weatherford Servoices Ltd.
Wenzhou Timber Group Co., Ltd.
Western Patriot
Wincam Corp.
Winstar International Industries Ltd.
Woodbois International Aps
Woodbois International Apshoeffdingsvej
Woodbois International Apshoeffdingsvej
Woodbois International Apsvermundsgade 21 1 St F
Woodgroup Apshoeffdingsvej 34 1 St Floor2500 V
Woodgroup Apshoeffdingsvej 34 2500 Valby Denma
Woods C&D Sl Consulting & Distribution
Woods Consulting & Distribution Sl
World Wide Imp. Exp.
World Wide Oil Fzc
Xin Ann Global Trading Ltd.
Xingt Corporation Ltd.
Xinjiang Fufeng Biotechnologies
Xinxingwang Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Dingli Imp.&Exp. Co., Ltd.
Yj Timberinternacional Gesl
Y.J. Timber International
Y.J. Timber International Gesl
Yokora Proyects Ge S.
Zanxin Trading (Hongkong) Ltd.
Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Zhenghenghe Trade Co., Ltd.
Zhangjiangang Free Trade Zone
Zhengyue Ltd.
Zhengyue Ltd. Flat Rm 1904 19 F